White Mountain Area
Post 9907
Veterans of Foreign Wars 
Post Home
381 N. Central Ave
Show Low, AZ 85901


Auxiliary Officers for 2024-2025

Rena Dominguez, President                        

Nancy Wilson, Senior Vice President

DeAna McCloy, Junior Vice President        

Noreen Schenfeld, Treasurer                        

Cheryl Pietsch, Secretary                            

Pam Wozniak, Conductress                        

Laura Gurk, Guard                                

Marlene Pacheco, 1 year Trustee                

Tony Moreland, 2 year Trustee

Therese Hixson, 3 year Trustee

Amy Wong, Chaplain



Hello Auxiliary Member’s

It is that time of year again. If you are an annual member, your due’s will expire 12.31.22

Please send your annual dues of $20.00 to the address listed below.

If you are a life time member, please consider sending your $7.25 cancer dues at this time.

Rena Dominguez

1091 N. 44th Dr.

Show Low, AZ 85901


Thank you for your continued membership to our Auxiliary. Your membership DOES MATTER!!


Membership Committee

Auxiliary Post 9907

web links


Auxiliary Nat'l HQ:  http://www.vfwauxiliary.org/


Auxiliary Dept of AZ:  http://azvfwaux.org/